Newborn Mallie

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – this little girl was my favorite.  Sweet little Mallie was such a doll….and such a good sleeper that we actually had to stir her just to get some big open newborn eyes.  She was lucky enough to be born to the sweetest military couple that you could literally see the love pouring out of them for their little girl.  And their thoughtful pieces that they had available for the shoot – a giant wooden family cradle, a handmade quilt, and the little Carolina blue dress & headband – each one showed a piece of their family.

16 year old Sydney

Oh to go back to being 16!  Sydney reminded me of that simple yet extremely complicated time in life of being a teenager.  I only wish I had half the poise and natural beauty that she did when I was her age.  All that to say – I loved shooting her…she was like a model except without the attitude 🙂  She just had that inner maturity that came out in her eyes.  And when she smiled, literally the clouds parted and the stormy skies in that field became a little brighter.  Thanks girl for sharing that afternoon with me…and ‘posing’ for me 🙂  You look beautiful!

The N Family

This family gets the official award for being hilarious.  And gorgeous.  But mostly hilarious…because that’s a lot harder to be…especially on a hot and sweaty day like we had on the day of the shoot.  Thanks guys for suffering through it with me.  Their little girl was so independent and lovely – it was like trying to chase a rainbow to get the photo.  And their son?  Well, isn’t he a stud?  Anyone that can rock a pair of sunglasses and a fedora has outstyled me a million times over.  With confidence and personality like that, you can expect him to be hosting the VMA’s in 2023.  Oh and here’s a tip – don’t even look at the mom’s legs…it will make you green with jealousy.

Norn & Boots

Words can’t even start to describe how excited I was to do this shoot.  You see, this one is very special to me because this is my baby sister and her 7 year old son with their soon-to-be husband/father.  And as awkward as some of the kissy-face more intimate moments are (the ones that take place in any engagement shoot) when you are dealing with your little sis, it was worth it just to share that sunny evening  with them as they took yet another step to becoming a family.  Afterall, families have photos to prove that they are together, right?  I like to think so 🙂

The B Family

I have just the most darling family to share with you.  Meet the B family.  These fine folks are actually a military family that entered in the Military Family Photo Contest that we did this year and decided that they would like to have some photos done of them when they visited the area.  I absolutely loved that they came ready in bright fun clothes that reflected this special stage in their lives.  Plus, they brought a Mimi to the mix to get some grandparent love 🙂  Thanks guys for sharing that damp morning with me…these were adorable!   



Nichole & Jeremy

Basically these two are like models.  But they don’t think so…which adds to their cuteness factor.  And boy, were Nichole and Jeremy oh-so-cute when it came to being on camera.  The entire shoot they oozed this adorable excitedness, this nervous anticipation of what is to come, and this I’m-so-in-love-with-this-person-ness.  I could have literally taken their photos all day long.

Oh and did I mention that when Nichole contacted me to do their engagement photos, she suggested donning his fireman’s jacket and helmet?  It was like 100 degrees outside in the summer Georgia heat and she was such a trooper all while looking gorgeous.

Cutie Chloe

Shooting Chloe was like watching a supermodel at work.  At one point I looked at my camera and realized I had only been shooting for three minutes and could send her parents every.single. shot.  She just was happy and calm and the perfect little model.  She was a photographers DREAM!  And it helps that she is as cute as a button.  Isn’t she just darling!?  I guess it would be hard to not look amazing with such a beautiful mom…Chloe really hit that lucky gene pool just right 🙂

Beautiful Bella

I have to admit that when I left Bella’s house, I felt like I failed.  My insecurities were running high.  I was afraid that I didn’t capture the precious little girl like she deserved.  And when I got home and started editing…well, I fell in love.  Even though her mom described her as not very smiley at this age, we managed to squeek out some grins (thanks Meaghan for your arm workout!)…and her expressions make this one of my very VERY favorite photoshoots.  Who couldn’t love this little bundle of personality with that head of hair?!  She’s a complete dollbaby.

Magical Madison

Sweet Madison was a complete angel the entire time we spent together.  I absolutely loved the fact that her mama and daddy wanted to do a couple pictures of her on her special quilt – which in a previous life was a grandma’s wedding dress!  You can even see the precious pearls and details creating Madison’s sleeping cacoon!  And her darling parents were so enamored with her…it’s quite obvious why.  She definitely gets the award for best lips.  Okay…best everything.  I say that every time, don’t I?  But it’s true.  I can’t help but fall in love with these newborns.  They are just so darling…I could almost take them home.  I would too if the parents would let me 🙂


2011 Military Family Photography Contest Winner

It took me forever to count up all 500 comments received on the 2011 Military Family Photography Contest post – but I am happy to announce the top three finalists and the winner! 

First our finalists…these are the fine folks that received the most votes (and how we assigned the numbers 1 through 3 for….

The element of surprise was on his side – and coming in on top when it came to votes received, Jared & his darling family snagged up the most votes…

In a super tight race, Karen & Josh & their girls came in a close second – and I am going to give them the award for ‘best comments’…since almost every single one of their votes came accompanied with affirmations and praises that this family indeed deserves the best.

Rounding out our top three was Crystal and her cutie-patootie family who actually touched me personally with her words…what an amazing reminder of how much sacrifice it takes to be a military family.

After checking, counting, rechecking, recounting, rereading, triple checking, those three families were our top three….and then it was up to to choose the winner. 

So a very hearty congratulations to Jared and family number #3!

You should see an email arriving very soon with information you need to book your photoshoot! 

And thanks again to each family who entered…your emails, stories and photos touched so many people and I want to personally thank you from my family to yours for your everyday sacrifices.