2011 Military Family Photography Contest Winner

It took me forever to count up all 500 comments received on the 2011 Military Family Photography Contest post – but I am happy to announce the top three finalists and the winner! 

First our finalists…these are the fine folks that received the most votes (and how we assigned the numbers 1 through 3 for Random.org)….

The element of surprise was on his side – and coming in on top when it came to votes received, Jared & his darling family snagged up the most votes…

In a super tight race, Karen & Josh & their girls came in a close second – and I am going to give them the award for ‘best comments’…since almost every single one of their votes came accompanied with affirmations and praises that this family indeed deserves the best.

Rounding out our top three was Crystal and her cutie-patootie family who actually touched me personally with her words…what an amazing reminder of how much sacrifice it takes to be a military family.

After checking, counting, rechecking, recounting, rereading, triple checking, those three families were our top three….and then it was up to Random.org to choose the winner. 

So a very hearty congratulations to Jared and family number #3!

You should see an email arriving very soon with information you need to book your photoshoot! 

And thanks again to each family who entered…your emails, stories and photos touched so many people and I want to personally thank you from my family to yours for your everyday sacrifices.

5 thoughts on “2011 Military Family Photography Contest Winner

  1. Oh Yay! I voted for Jared. Well done to everyone, I can’t wait to see the results of the shoot. And..Karen Geis you seem like a very lovely person. What a gracious finalist & genuine human being.

    • From our limited emails, I have seen that Karen is one of those lucky gals that is just as gorgeous on the inside as on the outside…
      so glad to know that she is one of the women behind our great country 🙂
      xo – kb

  2. Hey Bowers,

    Just wanted to drop a note of thanks your way. I just read about your military families contest and as an Air Force Wife, Air Force sister, and Army sister (both my hubby and twin brother are in the Air Force and my baby brother is in the Army) I just wanted to let you know how very much it means when our communities show their support!

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