16 year old Sydney

Oh to go back to being 16!  Sydney reminded me of that simple yet extremely complicated time in life of being a teenager.  I only wish I had half the poise and natural beauty that she did when I was her age.  All that to say – I loved shooting her…she was like a model except without the attitude 🙂  She just had that inner maturity that came out in her eyes.  And when she smiled, literally the clouds parted and the stormy skies in that field became a little brighter.  Thanks girl for sharing that afternoon with me…and ‘posing’ for me 🙂  You look beautiful!

Senior Alexa

Oh beautiful Alexa.  She will be forever engrained in my head as a black & white girl.  Why?  Because she looks gorgeous in color and black & white…which is in my book, pretty darn hard to pull off.  It’s probably because she has amazing features; perfect straight nose, big smile that can light up a room and those eyes!  They are like what girls wish for when they turn thirteen because the blue in them is so amazing that it can melt a guy instantly.  Thanks you guys for letting me be a part of your senior celebration.  Alexa, I know you will go far honey…really really far…   

Senior Danl

Seniors are quickly becoming my favorite photoshoots.  Sure, babies are squishy and families are just plain fun and children have unending energy…but seniors are different.  They are commemorating something special…freedom and new beginnings and saying goodbye.  Danl is such a senior.  Being homeschooled, he has an extra special goodbye to say to his sweet teacher.  But I know that his mama is excited and proud of him as he takes his next steps in his journey.  And she should be – this young man has IT.  That quality of awesomeness.  That contagious smile.  That quiet sureness.  All wrapped up with a great sense of shoewear 🙂  Thanks Destiny and Danl – I really had a blast with you both!